Sony MZ-N707 OpenMG Jukebox NOTES on installing & operating Specifications. In OpenMG Jukebox Ver.2.2, the following operations for the music contents recorded in MD can be performed via OpenMG Jukebox Ver.2.2. During the installation of this update, be sure that you are logged in as the Administrator or as a user with Administrative rights. 2.2 w/Net MD Simple Burner, USB Cable, Blank Re-Recordable MiniDisc x 1. For the detail of this remote control, refer to ONLINE HELP installed in OpenMG Jukebox. To ensure that no other program interferes with the installation, save all work and close all other programs.Volume setting - Control the volume with the volume key installed in Net MD equipment. RECOMMENDED:If you have Windows errors then its highly recommended that you download and install this Windows Repair Tool. The Taskbar should be clear of applications before proceeding.

If your OpenMG™ Jukebox version is "2.0", your OpenMG Jukebox has already been updated.From the Help menu, click About OpenMG™ Jukebox.Please check the version of OpenMG Jukebox that is installed on your PC before downloading the patch program file.